does webroot protect against malware

As cyber-terrorists, thieves, and hackers continue to develop newer, more deadly malware and viruses that are able to infiltrate systems, steal data, corrupt files, and cause other harm, it’s important for you to know how your antivirus software identifies possible threats. As you’re probably aware, the main goal of most antivirus programs is to detect and remove these harmful threats before they cause any harm. They accomplish this by analysing your system files, your data and computer software.

Antivirus programs typically use signature-based detection, which compares documents received by your device to an inventory of known viruses signatures. This method looks for fingerprints of a particular virus, finds the matching program or file, then warns you in the event of a match. It’s a great method, but hackers continue to create new and different kinds of malware. To detect these, antivirus software must keep its definition files up-to current with the most recent virus signatures.

Another method employed by hackers to circumvent antivirus scanners is to use encryption to protect the malware payload. Once a virus is encoded, it will be able to avoid scanners and signatures because it is not an executable. This is usually done by tagging a small header program on the front of the encoded virus which allows it to jump the program counter and execute when it has the chance.

Antivirus software employs a variety of methods to identify viruses. These include heuristics-based detection and behavior-based detection. Heuristic-based detection is similar in concept to signature-based detection, in that it studies the program’s behavior in search of patterns and patterns. Heuristic detection, which employs an approach of trial and error, can detect viruses that signature-based methods can’t.